Wednesday, January 18, 2012

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

 A really nice 2009 game, with lots of spectacular action scenes which gave me the reason to try it in fullscreen freeview 3D. This is one of the games with all the settings stored in config files, a highly appreciated feature in this case.

 Similar to Fuel, X-Men Origins: Wolverine doesn't recognize the custom 8:9 resolution, therefore it must be tweaked from outside the game. This game has lots of configuration files everywhere and it's very easy to get lost in settings, so a bit of caution is necessary.
 The file we need to modify is "WEngine.ini", which (in Windows 7) is located in
where "C:\" is the system drive root and "$username" is your windows user name. If you can't find it, just go to your system drive and do the file search. Open the file in Notepad or any other text editor.
 Inside the file, search for "systemsettings" string.
 [SystemSettings] is the place where we need to edit some parameters:

1. Resolution: ResX=960
(or your chosen 8:9 custom resolution)

2. DepthOfField=False
  Depth of field relates to photo-video cameras and it occurs wherever the camera does not focus on. Nowadays, we find it in video games, in order to add a real-world feeling.
 In my personal opinion, depth of field does not belong to 3D at all. In a 3D image, we should be able to clearly focus in any point of the 3D environment. Nevertheless, the depth of field presence in any 3D image, including in native 3D movies (like Avatar), is totally unhealthy. It forces the brain to clarify a detail which can't be clarified. For example, in this image nearby, try to focus on anything behind the character. It can be a nice effect in a picture, but in motion, this can be extremely annoying. Besides, it never happens in real life. I personally disable depth of field in all 3D games which allow me to do so (when playing in stereoscopic 3D of course).

3. MotionBlur=False 
 This is also an example of an useless feature when playing in 3D. While the crispness adds beauty to a stereoscopic image, motion blur leads to a great lack of detail in movement, giving an awkward, unneeded feeling in 3D. Although I recommend to disable it, there's no critical issue if you leave this option enabled by preference.

4. DynamicShadows=False
(optional - if the 3D driver can't handle it, like in Iz3D case)
 If the character's shadow position differs for each eye in 3D, you might have to disable this feature.

 There are many other parameters that can enhance or worsen the 3D experience (e.g. Bloom). Feel free to experiment, but don't forget to backup "WEngine.ini" once you get satisfying results.

Here are some screenshots:


  1. maybe you should make your posts in 3D like a slideshow with pictures and text overlaid(3D text also). That would be nice to read

  2. Thanks for all the information is helpful.
    But rather than try to set this game, I started with IZ3D
    I followed all the steps but does not work.
    you know you can be?

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  4. Thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, I did not had the necessary time in last 2-3 years to constantly update this page. Now, the info I already posted proves to be useful for the new VR tech, so I might add some stuff from time to time. Cheers!
